Managing a Juice Cleanse

Managing a Juice Cleanse

Juice Cleanse
The health of a person is highly determined by the food that they take. Fruits are always known to help keep the body healthier. However, a juice cleanse is a great step to take for the sake of cleaning out your system and keeping it healthy enough. This process involves replacing your body with juices that have been pressed. It helps to get rid of toxins and other harmful substances in the body, which could inhibit your health or be of no value to your system.

During The Juicing
When you are commencing your juice cleanse, you are recommended to engage in complete juicing. Eating will inhibit the cleansing process, however, you can choose natural fruits if you need to eat. Veggies, seeds or soaked nuts would also be a good option when you are in the cleansing process. It is also advised to eat most of the raw food, which contain natural elements that would not affect your system. 

Juice Cleanse

Even though you need to keep your body healthy enough, you will need to reduce the exercise rate. Especially such exercises like stretching, yoga or walks, will affect the energy level, which can cause you to eat more. During the cleanse juice period, you need to have a limited amount of food intake.

Instead of physical exercises, you can engage in other activities such as meditating or relaxing in a cool environment with some soft music. You should avoid noisy places, and engaging in too much activity. Ensure your body is well taken care of and that you are well relaxed.

Subsequent To The Cleansing
When you are done with the cleansing, you can return slowly to your normal, solid food. In the first 3 days, subsequent to the juice cleanse, you may start with food that are more organic. Start with green veggies and organic fruits on the first day, then include eggs, brown rice and yoghurt the second day. After that, you can add fish, chicken or beef slowly as you get back to your normal diet.

For the activities or exercises, you should avoid anything hard on your body, immediately after the cleansing process. Maintain the relaxing mode as you switch slowly to your normal exercises.

Cleanse juice is a delicate process that needs you to be careful when undertaking it. You should always start by taking at least 2 liters of water, 3 days before the cleansing process starts. This will give the juice a better working mechanism, with less stress. Another factor to be keen on is the reduction in the intake of solid food.

Managing a Juice Cleanse Photo

Juice Cleanse